영어 숫자 단위를 1억 영어로? 십만 백만 천만

안녕하세요 여러분! 오늘은 영어로 큰 숫자를 어떻게 읽어야 하는지에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 우리가 일상생활에서 흔히 다루는 숫자인 십만, 백만, 천만, 그리고 1억을 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 살펴봅시다. 그럼 시작해볼까요? 안녕하세요 여러분! 오늘은 영어로 큰 숫자를 어떻게 읽어야 하는지에 대해 알아보겠습니다. 우리가 일상생활에서 흔히 다루는 숫자인 십만, 백만, 천만, 그리고 1억을 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 살펴봅시다. 그럼 시작해볼까요?

nhillier, 출처 Unsplash nhillier, 출처 Unsplash

1. In 100,000 English? (100,000) 1. In 100,000 English? (100,000)

In English, “100,000” is described as “one hundred twice”. “Hundred” means a hundred, and “thousand” means a thousand. So, “one hundled thousand” means a hundred thousand, which is the number of the encyclopedia’s cloth. Example sentence: “There are one hidden stars in the sky.” 2. In 1 Million English (1,000,000) In English, “100,000” is described as “one hundred twice”. “Hundred” means a hundred, and “thousand” means a thousand. So, “one hundled thousand” means a hundred thousand, which is the number of the encyclopedia’s cloth. Example sentence: “There are one hidden stars in the sky.” 2. In 1 Million English (1,000,000)

“Million” is “one million” in English. The word “Million” means a million. Example sentence: Hewon one million dollars in the lottery 3. 10 Million English (10,000,000) “Million” is “one million” in English. The word “Million” means a million. Example sentence: Hewon one million dollars in the lottery 3. 10 Million English (10,000,000)

“Ten million” is “ten million” in English. “Ten” means 10 and “million” means 1 million, so multiply these two by 10 million. Example sentence: “The population of this city is ten million.” “Ten million” is “ten million” in English. “Ten” means 10 and “million” means 1 million, so multiply these two by 10 million. Example sentence: “The population of this city is ten million.”

출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains

4. In 100 million English (100,000,000) 4. 100 million English (100,000,000)

Finally, “100 million” is “one hidden million” in English. “One hundred” means a hundred, and “million” means a million, so multiply these two by 100 million. Example sentence: “The video has received one hidden million views.” Here’s a little bit! If you think about it in a big way, “man,” “billion,” and “trillion” are used in Korean, but “thousand,” “million,” “billion,” and “trillion” are used in English. It is important to remember this because the numerical system of Korean and English is a little different from each other. Also, it is often pluralized by adding “s” after the number. Examples include 「millions of people」 and 「thousands of stars」. understand the difference between numerical expressions Finally, “100 million” is “one hidden million” in English. “One hundred” means a hundred, and “million” means a million, so multiply these two by 100 million. Example sentence: “The video has received one hidden million views.” Here’s a little bit! If you think about it in a big way, “man,” “billion,” and “trillion” are used in Korean, but “thousand,” “million,” “billion,” and “trillion” are used in English. It is important to remember this because the numerical system of Korean and English is a little different from each other. Also, it is often pluralized by adding “s” after the number. Examples include 「millions of people」 and 「thousands of stars」. understand the difference between numerical expressions

There are differences in the expression of numbers in Korean and English. In Korean, “man,” “billion,” and “trillion” represent large units, but in English, “thousand,” “million,” “billion,” and “trillion” represent large units. Because of these differences, it can be difficult to convert numbers into English. However, once you understand this, it will be much easier to read the numbers in English. There are differences in the expression of numbers in Korean and English. In Korean, “man,” “billion,” and “trillion” represent large units, but in English, “thousand,” “million,” “billion,” and “trillion” represent large units. Because of these differences, it can be difficult to convert numbers into English. However, once you understand this, it will be much easier to read the numbers in English.

Elfina Pole, Source Ansplash Elfina Pole, Source Ansplash


After today’s posting, I learned how to read big numbers in English. You may find it difficult at first, but as you keep practicing, you will gradually get used to it. This concludes today’s post on “Reading Numbers in English.” Add Charlie’s daily English study today and subscribe to the newly updated English study materials for free. After today’s posting, I learned how to read big numbers in English. You may find it difficult at first, but as you keep practicing, you will gradually get used to it. This concludes today’s post on “Reading Numbers in English.” Add Charlie’s daily English study today and subscribe to the newly updated English study materials for free.

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